New Year’s Eve mason jars are an easy-to-make NYE party idea. Fill the mason jars with confetti, party blowers, horns, and Hershey’s Kisses!

Christmas is over, and it’s time to ring in the new year! We usually spend the evening at a friend’s house for a laid-back evening of appetizers, board games, and laughter. I love mason jar crafts, so I made these New Year’s Eve mason jars that are perfect for your New Year’s Eve party.

Start by decorating the jars with washi tape. I bought the gold washi tape in the scrapbooking supplies aisle at Target and the mint and gold dotted tape in the dollar spot at Target. I used Ball 12-ounce quilted crystal jelly jars.
Next, sprinkle Happy New Year confetti in the bottom of the jars. I found this confetti at my local grocery store.
Use double stick tape to add the circles with the new year on the bottom of gold Hershey’s Kisses.
Put a mint and a gold balloon in the jars and add some Kisses.
Use washi tape to add a little color to the gold horns.
Add some more party items like a blower, horn, and straw.
Add some more party items like horns with streamers and confetti poppers.
Put all of the New Year’s Eve mason jars into a tray and sprinkle with extra confetti and dated mint circles for your New Year’s Eve party!
Momtobe says
Hi, I loved this idea as I’m thinking of distributing mason jars as giveaways for my daughter’s birth announcement. I will probably instead use a coral and gold combination, and was wondering if I should use silver lids or gold lids (since I’ll be mailing some too!) and if a combination of silver and gold kisses would look good or not. Please let me know what you think! Thanks! 🙂
Tonia says
Thanks so much! I like the combination of silver and gold but it’s totally up to you. Gold is really in right now and it looks so pretty when spray painted on the lids but it takes extra time. If you go with the silver lids you can save time by using them as they are. Best of luck and congratulations! ~Tonia
kentuckylady717 says
Cute idea…..Ice skating date in a jar is my favorite 🙂
sarah m says
These are so cute! I NEED that mint and gold tape for my littles ones birthday party. Did you get it recently?
Tonia says
Yes! I just bought it this week but there were only a couple of rolls left in the Target dollar spot.